Additional Graduation Photo Fee Payment guideline
Student Affairs and Services Building (Sinchon) (02-2123-5121)
Voluntary Fee Payment: Students who were not able to pay the photo album fee will be able to pay within the payment days.
1. Objective: Those who are graduating in 2016, August and 2017, February and have not yet taken the graduation photos or did not purchase.
2. (Those already with printed graduation albums cannot purchase.)
* Medical, Dentistry, Nursing should contact each of their main offices.
* Students in Wonju should contact their Student Affairs and Services.
3. Fee Deadline: ~ 2016. 06. 03(Friday) 13:00
4. Graduation Album Fee: \56,000
5. Payment Method
Payment: Woori Bank 126-0000-8218-966 (학)연세대학교
Account Transfer: “name + last three digits of the school ID”
6. Miscellaneous
l Except for the voluntary reasons to drop out of school, refunds for the album will not be facilitated.
l Only those who have made the payments will be able to check the photos.
Inquiry : Yonsei Student Affairs Office
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