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Lecturer Recruitment Announcement for the 2022AY
Jan 10, 2022  |  Read: 1,167

1. Areas of Recruitment

 The number of people to be recruited is subject to change according to the application situation.

 Please refer to the attached Recruitment Plan for more details.


 2. Required Qualifications for Application

      A. No grounds for disqualification to be appointed as a faculty member under the Private School Act and other statutes

      B. Not subject to restrictions on employment under the Act on the Protection of Children and Juveniles against Sexual Abuse

      C. A minimum of two years of education or research experience after receiving a bachelor’s degree or a minimum of three years of education or research experience after receiving an associate’s degree (technical/vocational college)

      D. Those who were born on or after September 1, 1952 (appointment ends the last day of the semester in which the appointee turns 70 years old)

      E. If an applicant is non-Korean (foreign), the applicant currently holding a visa with employment authorization for teaching can only apply to the position. The visa must be valid until the expiry of the appointment and more documents can be requested if needed.


3. Application Period

      A. Application submission period: Jan 10 (Mon) ~ Jan 16 (Sun) 2022 (Korean time GMT+9)

      B. Application submission method: e-mail (refer to the Recruitment Plan for each position)

 The name of the application file must contain the applicants affiliation and name. (ex: Application_UnderwoodInternationalCollege_KimYonsei)

 Proof of research achievements must be submitted as a single PDF.


4. Application Materials


Application Materials

Number of Copies



Application form


Personal information, application essay, list of research achievements, course syllabus


Proof of research achievements (optional)


A single PDF file that includes proof of three research accomplishments and performances from the last three years (ex: the first page of a published paper, performance posters, etc.)


Diploma and transcripts

1 each

* Lecturers: 1 copy of each of the diplomas for all bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees mentioned in the education background and corresponding transcripts


Career and employment certificate

1 each

Proof of work experience listed in the resume or curriculum vitae


Personal information collection and usage agreement


Legal obligation (for finalists)


Privacy and security statement


Legal obligation (for finalists)


Agreement to submit to background check for sex crimes


Legal obligation (for finalists)


5. Evaluation Procedure

      A. The hiring process will be conducted in two rounds: the first is a document review followed by interviews, etc. (the second round of evaluations is optional).

      B. Applicants will be individually notified of evaluation decisions after each round.


6. Duration of Appointment: 2022.03.01.~2023.02.28. (1 year)


7. Notes

      A. Submitted materials will not be returned to the applicant and appointments will be canceled if reasons for disqualification are discovered or if submitted materials are found to be inaccurate.

      B. Finalists may be asked to submit additional documents as proof for claims made in their applications.

      C. Applicants are entirely responsible for any errors or omissions in their applications, disadvantages received for submitting non-compliant applications, not being contactable, and not checking for notifications about their status as semi-finalists and finalists.

      D. Positions may not be filled if qualified candidates are not found.

      E. An appointment quota system for future academic generations may be considered during the evaluation process.

      F. Subjects not stated in this announcement shall follow related Yonsei University regulations.


Appendix 1. Recruitment Plan

Appendix 2. Application Form

Appendix 3. Personal information collection and usage agreement & Privacy and security statement & Agreement to submit to background check for sex crimes Forms


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Yonsei University

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