Senior Academic Advisor, Underwood International College
Executive Committee Member of Korean Society for Holistic Education
Advisory Council Member of "Raise Happy Villages Project" (연수구 행복마을 만들기 사업), Yeonsu District Office
Policy Committee Member for School Evaluation & Consulting, Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education
School Consultant, Gangwon Provincial Office of Education.
Senior Researcher, Korean Educational Development Institute
Team Manager, Department of School Evaluation and Consulting, Korean Educational Development Institute
Evaluation Committee Member of Innovative School(혁신학교), Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education
Post-Doc. Human Development Center, Teachers College, Columbia University (2007-2008)
Ph.D. in R & D of Curriculum and Teacher Education, Ewha Womans University (2006)
M.A. in R & D of Curriculum, Ewha Womans University (1997)
B.A. in Education, Ewha Womans University (1995)
Selected Publications
Yu, S. (2015). An analysis on accreditation system, AdvancED from holistic evaluation perspective. The Journal of Holistic Education, 19(1), 71-97, The Korean Society for Holistic Education.
Yu, S. (2014). Korean school evaluation system: 17 provincial offices of education in Korea. The Journal of Holistic Education, 18(3), 107-133, The Korean Society for Holistic Education.
Yu, S. (2012). An analysis of organization and implementation of creative activity curriculum: 100 excellent schools in curriculum. The Journal of Curriculum Studies 30(2), 83-109, The Korean Society for Curriculum Studies.
Yu, S. (2012). An analysis of Singapore civics-moral curriculum: Implementations for development a moral education curriculum to the basis of subject-cluster system. The Journal of Moral Education, 39, 257-291, The Korean Elementary Moral Education Society.
Yu, S. (2011). First-Year experience in U.S. as an alternative for college curriculum reform. The Journal of Comparative Education 30(2), 83-109, The Korean Society for Comparative Education.
Yu, S. (2011). Elementary school teachers' perceptions on multicultural education reveled through metaphor analysis. The Journal of Elementary Education, 24(3), 71-97, The Korean Society of Elementary Education.
Yu, S. (2011). An analysis of Singapore primary-school science textbooks as a preliminary study for the development of grade-cluster text books in the 2009 revised Korean National Curriculum system. The Journal of Curriculum Studies 24(3), 71-97, The Korean Society for Curriculum Studies.
Yu, S. (2010). A case study of 'Lesson Study' in an U.S. school: As an alternative model for teacher-led school reform. The Journal of Comparative Education 20(2), 95-128, The Korean Society for Comparative Education.
Yu, S. (2007). Teachers' reflection participated in research and development of school-based curriculum: Types and characteristics. The Journal of Curriculum Studies 25(1), 39-68, The Korean Society for Curriculum Studies.
Yu, S. (2006). Revisiting Teacher's refection focusing on teacher's initiative of curriculum implementation. The Journal of Curriculum Studies 24(3), 173-197, The Korean Society for Curriculum Studies.
Yu, S. (2005). Professional development school as a way of development of teacher professionalism through reflection. The Journal of Teacher Education, 22(3), 97-121.
Seo, K., Yu, S., & Jung, J. Y. (2003). An Analysis of the 7th Korean National Elementary School Mathematics Curriculum: Focusing on the Continuity, Sequence, and Integration of Mathematical Content . The Journal of Elementary Education, 16(2), 159-184.
Seo, K., Yu, S., & Jung, J. Y. (2003). An analysis of mathematical creativity and mathematics curriculum: Focusing on patterns and functions. The Journal of Education of Primary School Mathematics, 7(1), 15-29.
Seo, K., Yu, S., & Jung, J. Y. (2003). A comparative analysis of elementary school mathematics curriculum: The 7th Korean National Curriculum and Everyday Mathematics. The Journal of Educational studies, 33(2), 21-55.
Kim, K. J., Yoo, E. K., & Yu, S. (2001). An analysis of the Korean language arts textbooks for the 3rd graders developed in accordance with the 7th National amended curriculum. The Journal of Educational studies, 32(1), 17-39.
창의성 증진을 위한 초등 수학 교육과정 개발의 실제 (2005)
학교자체평가 어떻게 할 것인가 (2013)
한국의 교육기관 평가 제도 (2013)
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