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Faculty Profiles

Bokyung Lee
Chair of Culture and Design Management

Assistant Professor of Culture and Design Management

Website: https://boleehci.com/

Email: bo.lee@yonsei.ac.kr
Tel: 032-749-3460
Office: Veritas B #424


Bokyung Lee is a professor of Cultural and Design Management at Yonsei University, Underwood International College. Before joining Yonsei, she worked as a Senior Designer at Samsung Electronics, and prior to that, as a Senior Research Scientist at Autodesk Research in Toronto. Her research lies at the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction and Interactive System Designs. Her research vision is to design comfortable and novel experiences for an immersive, interactive, and simulated convergence world at a shared, with a multi-disciplinary approach. She has envisioned various potential interactions for future technologies (VR/AR/AI) with the goal of enhancing our convergence experiences.  


Ph.D. in Industrial Design, KAIST
B.S., Industrial Design & Technology Management, KAIST

Courses and Current Research Areas

Digital-Physical Convergence
Digital Human and Augmentation
Embodied Interaction Design
UX / Interaction Design
Multi-disciplinary Design Research

Selected Publications

Selected Awards.

ACM DIS 2021 Honorable Mention Award (Top 5%)
ACM CSCW 2020 Best Paper Award (Top 1%)
ACM CSCW 2019 Honorable Mention Award (Top 5%)


Selected Publications.
Bokyung Lee, Damon Lau, Jeremy Mogk, Michael Lee, Jacobo Bibliowicz, Rhys Goldstein, Alex Tessier (2023), Generative Design for COVID-19 and Future Pathogens Using Stochastic Multi-agent Simulation, Journal of Sustainable Cities and Society, Volume 97, 104661, ISSN 2210-6707
Bokyung Lee, Michael Lee, Jeremy Mogk, Rhys Goldstein, Jacky Bibliowicz, Frederik Brudy, Alex Tessier (2021), Designing a Multi-Agent Occupant Simulation System to Support Facility Planning and Analysis for COVID-19, ACM Designing Interactive Systems
Bokyung Lee, Michael Lee, Pan Zhang, Alexander Tessier, Daniel Saakes, Azam Khan (2020). Socio-Spatial Comfort: Using Vision-based Analysis to Inform User-Centred Human-Building Interactions, ACM Journal of Hum.-Comput. Interact. 4, CSCW3, Article 238 (December 2020), 33 pages.
Bokyung Lee, Michael Lee, Pan Zhang, Alexander Tessier, Azam Khan (2019), An Empirical Study of How Socio-Spatial Formations are influenced by Interior Elements and Displays in an Office Context, ACM Journal of Hum.-Comput. Interact. 3. CSCW, Article 58.
Bokyung Lee, Taeil Jin, Sung-Hee Lee, Daniel Saakes (2019), SmartManikin: Virtual Humans with Agency for Design Tools, ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems
Bokyung Lee, Sindy Wu, Maria Reyes, Daniel Saakes (2019), The Effect of Interruption Timings on Autonomous Height-Adjustable Desks that Responds to Task Changes. ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems
Bokyung Lee, Joongi Shin, Hyoshin Bae, Daniel Saakes (2018)., Interactive and Situated Guidelines to Help Users Design a Personal Desk that Fits Their Bodies, ACM Designing Interactive Systems


Selected Projects.
Future Home Robots
Video Media Tool and Privacy
Living Lab & Digital Twins
Factory OS: Knowledge-capture and insight
Designing and Simulating Digital Humans in the Virtual Space
Vision-based Social Interaction Analysis for Human-Centered Architecture
Design Toolkits for Everybody with VR/AR Technology

More Information

Mobile Robot and control method thereof (ICT/SW, 10-2023-0073516)
Furniture Design Apparatus Displaying Personalized Guide Information (ICT/SW, KR-10-2018-0002957)

Address and Copyright

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