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Faculty Profiles

Chad Denton

Associate Professor of European History (C.C.)

  • Ph.D. in History, University of California, Berkeley
  • M.A. in History, University of California, Berkeley
  • B.A. in History and Literature, Harvard College

Email: chaddenton@yonsei.ac.kr
Tel: 02-2123-3952
Office: Daewoo Annex Hall 405


Chad Denton received his doctorate in history at UC-Berkeley in 2009. His dissertation explored the interstices of collaboration, resistance, and everyday life through German and Vichy requisitions of household metal objects. His current research concerns the history of a Franco-Japanese family active in the French colony of New Caledonia from 1914 to 1941. Since 2009, he has been teaching courses in European and world history as an associate professor of history at Underwood International College.


Ph.D. in History, University of California, Berkeley
M.A. in History, University of California, Berkeley
A.B. in History and Literature, Harvard College, magna cum laude with highest honors

Courses and Current Research Areas

UIC Seminars
UIC Seminar: World War I: Global Perspectives (Fall 2013, Fall 2011)
UIC Seminar: War, History, and Photography (Fall 2012)
UIC Seminar: Nazi Germany (Spring 2012)
UIC Seminar: Vichy France: Collaboration, Resistance, Everyday Life (Fall 2011)

World History Group I
WH I: European Encounters in the Early Modern World (Fall 2013, Spring 2013)
WH I: European Encounters with Africa (Fall 2012, Spring 2010, Fall 2010)
WH I: European Encounters with the Non-European World (Fall 2009)

World History Group II
WH II: Modern France (Spring 2013, Spring 2012, Spring 2010, Fall 2009)
WH II: Modern Germany (Fall 2010)

Intensive Writing Seminar
Contested Memories: Writing the History of Atrocity in the 20th Century (Spring 2013)

Western Civilization
Western Civilization (Spring 2011, guest lectures in Spring 2012 and Spring 2013) Humanities Reading Seminar (Spring 2011)

Selected Publications

Selected Publications

“Steel of Victory, Scrap of Defeat: Mobilising the French Home Front, 1939-40,” War & Society 33, no. 2 (forthcoming spring 2014).

“Recuperez! - The German Origins of French Wartime Salvage Drives, 1939-1945,” Journal of Contemporary European History 22, special issue no. 3 on Recycling in Twentieth Century Europe (August 2013).

“Robert Charles Fouque (1887-1931), un mediateur franco-japonais en Nouvelle-Caledonie,” trans. Eun Churl Kim, Bulletin d'Etudes Historiques de la Nouvelle-Caledonie, no. 175 (2nd trimester 2013).

“구리도둑: 금속징발과총력전쟁 1914-1945 [Copper Thieves: Metal Requisitions and Total War, 1914-1945],” trans. Eun Churl Kim, 서양사론(The Western History Review) (June 2013).

“Leni Riefensthal’s Staging of the Black Body in Olympia,” in Charlotte Szilagyi, Michael Saman, Sabrina Raman, eds., Imagining Blackness in Germany and Austria. Newcastle, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (December 2012).

“‘General Humanity of an Old and Civilized People’?: The Italian Occupation Zone in France and the Protection of the Jews,” 서양사학연구 (Journal of Western History) no. 27 (December 2012)

Recent Presentations

“The Slow Death of a Franco-Japanese Family, 1945 to 1958.” Everyday Coloniality (III): How Wars End ? Practices of (Re)Making States after 1945. Hanyang University, Seoul, November 3, 2012.

“Recuperez! ? Die franzosischen Recycling-Kampagnen zwischen 1939-1945 und ihre deutschen Ursprunge.” Ressourcen-Konflikte49th Deutschen Historikertag 2012. Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, September 28, 2012.

“Japanese Colonization a la francaise: Building a Model Village in New Caledonia, 1892-1941.” Global Exchange Networks of Asia and Alternative Modernies in Asia. The Second Congress of the Asian Association of World Historians. Ehwa University, Seoul, April 29, 2012.

"Cachez vos cuivres!: Passive Resistance in Occupied France, 1914-1944," The Society for French Historical Studies Annual Conference, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, March 24, 2012.

“Copper Thieves: Metal Requisitions and Total War in Europe (1914-1945),” ‘Vom Gegner lernen’: transferts d’experience d’occupation en Europe. Centre Marc Bloch, Berlin, June 30, 2011.

“‘Mobilizing’ Metal in Wartime France: Economic Collaboration and Everyday Life.” Occupied Societies. Panel of the Conference for International Committee for the History of the Second World War, held at the 21st International Congress of Historical Sciences, University of Amsterdam, August 25, 2010.

“New Caledonian Nickel and Franco-Japanese Relations in the South Pacific, 1893-1945.” The Pacific in World History. 19thAnnual World History Association Conference, San Diego, June 27, 2010.


Translation (with Carla Hesse). Vincent Denis, “The Invention of Mobility and the History of the State,” French Historical Studies 2006 29 (3).

Translation (with Carla Hesse). Paul-Andre Rosental, “Between Macro and Micro: Theorizing Agency in Nineteenth-Century French Migrations,” French Historical Studies 2006 29 (3).

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