Chaihark Hahm
Professor of Yonsei Law School
- S.J.D. Harvard Law School, 2000
- J.D. Columbia Law School, 1994
- M.A.R. Yale Divinity School, 1989
- LL.M. Yale Law School, 1987
- LL.B. College of Law, Seoul National University, 1986
- Research Fellow, East Asian Legal Studies, Harvard Law School, 2000-2001
Tel: 02-2123-3289
Professor Hahm received his academic degrees from Seoul National University, Yale, Columbia, and most recently from Harvard Law School. He continued his research as a Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellow at the National Endowment for Democracy. Professor Hahm’s expertise is in constitutional law, Confucian political theory, comparative law and politics, human rights, and religion and politics. He has given numerous presentations and published articles in Confucian Constitutionalism and the rule of law in Korea. The Professor also has a forthcoming book tentatively titled “Politics of Relationality: Family and the Public Good in East Asia.”
He is currently serving as Chair of Korean Studies Program at Yonsei GSIS.
S.J.D. Harvard Law School, 2000
J.D. Columbia Law School, 1994
M.A.R. Yale Divinity School, 1989
LL.M. Yale Law School, 1987
LL.B. College of Law, Seoul National University, 1986
Courses and Current Research Areas
- Confucianism and Modern Korea, Law and Politics in Korean Society
- Human Rights in Korea and East Asia, Korean National Identity in Transition
- Democratization and Political Modernity in Korea, Rule of Law in the Global Context (undergraduate)
- Constitutional Law
- Confucian Political Theory
- Korean Legal History
- Comparative Law and Politics
- Human Rights
- Religion and Politics
- Legal and Biblical Hermeneutics
Selected Publications
- Korean Studies Forum, Vol. 2 (co-editor) (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, forthcoming 2007).
- The Challenge of East Asian Liberal Arts Education (co-editor) (Seoul: Oruem Publications, 2006)
- The Politics of Affective Relations: East Asia and Beyond (co-editor) (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2003)
- Confucian Democracy, Why & How? (co-editor) (Seoul: Jontong gua Hyundai, 2000).
- Hanguk ui Munhwa Chont'ong kwa Pop [Korea's Cultural Tradition and Law] (co-editor) (Seoul: Han'guk Haksul Yon'guwon, 1993).
Articles and Book Chapters
- “Uneasy About Rule of Law: Reconciling Constitutionalism and 'Participatory Democracy',” in The Rule of Law and Democracy in South Korea, edited by David Brady & Jongryn Mo (Stanford: Hoover Institution Press, forthcoming 2007).
- “'Stranger in a Strange Land': Carl Schmitt’s Politics of Exception in South Korea,” in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference of the International Society for the Study of European Ideas, edited by Henry Frendo (Malta University Press, forthcoming 2007).
- “유교전통 안에서의 입헌주의 담론 [Constitutional Discourse within the Confucian Tradition],” 법철학연구 [Korean Journal of Legal Philosophy], vol. 9, no. 2 (2006).
- “Toward and “East Asian Liberal Arts Education,” in The Challenge of East Asian Liberal Arts Education (Seoul: Oruem Publications, 2006).
- “Human Rights in Korea,” in The Rights of Asians Today: A Comparative Legal Study of Twelve Asian Countries, France and the U.S.A., edited by Randall Peerenboom, Carole Petersen & Albert Chen (London: Routledge Curzon, 2005).
- “Constitutionalism on Trial in South Korea” (co-author), Journal of Democracy, vol. 16, no. 2 (April 2005).
- “경국대전이 조선의 헌법인가? [Is Kyongguk Taejon the Constitution of Choson?],” 법철학연구 [Korean Journal of Legal Philosophy], vol. 7, no. 2 (2004).
- "Disputing Civil Society in a Confucian Context" Korea Observer, Sep. 2004
- "Rule of Law in Korea: Rhetoric and Implementation," in Randall Peerenboom, ed., Asian Discourses of Rule of Law: Theories and Implementation of Rule of Law in Twelve Asian Countries, France, and the U.S. (London: Routledge Curzon, Feb. 2004).
- "Negotiating Confucian Civility Through Constitutional Discourse," in Hahm Chaihark et al., eds., Politics of Relationality: Family and the Public Good in East Asia (Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, Sep. 2004).
- "Constitutionalism, Confucian Civic Virtue, and Ritual Propriety," in Daniel A. Bell & Hahm Chaibong, eds., Confucianism for the Modern World (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2003).
- "Law, Culture, and the Politics of Confucianism," Columbia Journal of Asian Law, vol. 16, no. 2 (2003).
- "Conceptualizing Korean Constitutionalism: Foreign Transplant or Indigenous Tradition?," Journal of Korean Law, vol. 1, no. 2 (2001).
- "Miguk Honpophak eso ui Kibonkwonnon ui Chon'gae" [Development of Rights Discourse in American Constitutional Law], Pop kwa Sahoe [Law and Society], vol. 20 (2001).
- "Kyoyuk ui Chongch'ijok Uiui wa Chont'ong" [Political Significance of Education and Tradition], Chont'ong kwa Hyondae [Tradition and Modernity], Summer 1998.
- "Impeachment and the Korean Constitutional Order" 2nd Symposium on Public Governance, Mar.2004
- "Human Rights in Korea" Human Rights in Asia, France, and the US: A Comparative Empirical Study of Values, Institutions, May 2004
- "Rule of Law in Korea: Conceptions and Perceptions," Conference on "Rule of Law in Asia: Comparative Perspectives," Hong Kong University, June 20-21, 2002.
- "Law, Culture, and Politics of Confucianism: Constitutionalism and Cultural Identity in Korea," Law and Society Association Annual Meeting, Sheraton Wall Centre, Vancouver, B.C., Canada, May 30-June 1, 2002.
- "Is Korea Becoming More Democratic? - The Role of the Constitutional Court," International Forum for Democratic Studies, National Endowment for Democracy, Washington, D.C. May 22, 2002.
- "Law, Culture, and the Politics of Confucianism in Korea," Asia/Pacific Research Center, Stanford University, April 19, 2002.
- "Cultural Identity and Law in Korea," Conference on Korean Society and Politics in the 21st Century, Duke University, February 4, 2002.
- "A Prolegomenon to the Study of Confucian Constitutionalism: The Case of Korea," University of Washington School of Law, April 17, 2001.
- "Studying East Asian Constitutionalism," Harvard Law School East Asian Legal Studies, March 21, 2001.
- Confucian Constitutionalism, Doctor of Juridical Science, Harvard Law School, June 2000.
More Information
Academic and Professional Services
- Associate Dean, Yonsei Division of International Education and Exchange, 2004-2007
- Associate Director, Institute for Modern Korean Studies, Yonsei GSIS 2003-present
- Reagan-Fascell Democracy Fellow, International Forum for Democratic Studies, National Endowment for Democracy, 2001-2002
- Research Fellow, East Asian Legal Studies, Harvard Law School, 2000-2001
Professional Services
- Editor, Korean Social Science Journal, 2005-present
- Executive Committee, Korean Association of Legal Philosophy, 2004-present
- Memberships: Law and Society Association, Association for Asian Studies, International Political Science Association