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Faculty Profiles

Kiwon Song

Professor, Department of Biochemistry
Professor, UIC Science, Technology and Policy major

Email: bc5012@yonsei.ac.kr
Tel: 02-2123-2705
Office: Yonsei Science Research Center S415


Professor Kiwon Song is a distinguished scientist in the field of molecular biology and also a science
writer. She graduated summa cum laude from Yonsei University and received her Ph. D. at Cornell
University in 1994. Professor Song continued her research at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine
as a post-doctorate before she joined Yonsei University. Her research interest in the field of molecular
biology is comprised of the control of cell proliferation by various stresses. She has also developed her
interest in the relationship between science research and society, becoming one of the founding
members of the Science, Technology, and Policy major at UIC.


Ph.D. in Biochemistry, Cell and Molecular Biology, Cornell University USA, 1994

B.A. in Biochemistry, Yonsei University, 1987

Courses and Current Research Areas

Current academic research focuses on the modern development of life science and biotechnology, and how it affects to our society and the concept of "life."

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