Professor of Communication Design, Graduate School of Communication and Arts, Yonsei University
Soojin Jun is a professor in the Graduate School of Communication and Arts, Yonsei University in Seoul, Korea. She has worked on the vision, educational goals, and curriculum for Techno-Art Division since she jointed Yonsei University in 2011, and is currently a chair of Information and Interaction at Techno-Art Division since September of 2011. Prior to joining Yonsei University, she conducted several interdisciplinary research projects with the United States Postal Service, the Human-Computer Interaction Institute, and Dental Informatics at the University of Pittsburgh. Her professional experience includes employment at MetaDesign in San Francisco, SiegelGale in New York, MayaViz in Pittsburgh, and her design works have been cited and awarded at international design competitions.
Ph.D. in Design, Carnegie Mellon University, 2011.
MDes in Interaction Design, Carnegie Mellon University, 2000.
B.F.A. in Visual Communication Design, Seoul National University, 1996
Courses and Current Research Areas
Teaching Experience
Course Instructor, Carnegie Mellon University, 2005-2007
-Courses: Topics in Information Design and Rhetoric, Globalization and Design
Assistant Professor, Yonsei University, 2011 - present
-Graduate Courses: Design Workshop, Designing for Experience, Information Visualization, Service Design Seminar, MFA foundation
-Undergraduate Courses: Interface Design, Introduction to Techno-Art, Idea Visualization, Information and Perception, Introduction to Information and Interaction Design
Selected Publications
Research Areas
- Interaction Design, User Experience Design
- Dynamic Information Visualization
- Service Design
- Emotional Design
- Visual & Verbal Communication, Design Rhetoric
- Kinetic Typography
- Jun, Soojin, Miso Kim, and Joonhwan Lee. “The System Diagrams: Shifting Perspectives.” Design Issues 27.2 (2011): 72-89.
-Lee, Joonhwan and Soojin Jun.“Design Guidelines and Recommendations for In-vehicle Navigation Systems.” Journal of Korean Society of Design Science, 23:3 (2010.5): 309-327
Peer-Reviewed Conference Papers
- Jun, Soojin, Miso Kim and Joonhwan Lee. “Rethinking System Diagrams: From Arranging Components to Organizing Action, Thought, and Possibility.” In the 2010 Design Research Society International Conference: Design & Complexity, Montreal, Canada, July 7-9, 2010.
-Jun, Soojin. “Information Design and Rhetoric: Teaching Design Students to Effective Communication in Situation.” In Proceedings of the International Association of Societies of Design Research 2009: Rigor and Relevance in Design,2373-2382.
- Gweon, Gahgene, Rohit Kumar, Soojin Jun, and Carolyn P. Rose. "Toward Automatic Assessment for Project Based Learning Groups." In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education 2009,218-222, Brighton, UK, July 6-10, 2009.
- Lee, Joonhwan, Soojin Jun, Jodi Forlizzi, and Scott Hudson. “Using Kinetic Typography to Convey Emotion in Text-Based Interpersonal Communication.” In Proceedings of DIS 2006 (ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems),41-49. University Park, PA, USA, June 26-28, 2006.
Book Chapters & Articles in Edited Books
- Gweon, Gahgene, Soojin Jun, Joonhwan Lee, Susan Finger, and Carolyn P. Rose. "A Framework for Assessment of Student Project Groups On-Line and Off-Line." In Analyzing Interactions in CSCL: Methods, Issues and Approaches,
More Information
Awards & Works Cited
- Bronze winner, I.D. Magazine’s Interactive Media Design Review, 2001
- Distinctive Merit award, The Art Direction Club 80th Annual Awards, 2001.
- Boyarski, Daniel, and Richard Buchanan. Interactions: New Visions of Human-Computer Interactions, (MarchApril 2000): 20-23.
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