Doowon Lee is a professor at the School of Economics, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea. Currently, he is also the Dean at Underwood International College, Yonsei University. He acquired his B.A. in business administration from Yonsei University in 1987 and his Ph.D. in economics from Northwestern University in 1991. He served the following positions at Yonsei University: Associate Dean at Graduate School of Economics (2004-2008), Associate Dean at Underwood International College (2007-09), Chair at School of Economics (2010-12), Associate Dean at Development Office (2012-14), Director at Institute of Continuing Education for the Future (2014-17), Vice President for International Affairs (2018-20), and Dean at College of Commerce and Economics(2020-2022). Former positions outside Yonsei University include visiting professor at UC-San Diego (1992, 2002), visiting scholar at Columbia University (2009), independent board member at Korea Housing Finance Corporation (2008-10) and KTB Investment & Securities (2013-16), the President of the Korea Development Economic Association (2016), the President of Northeast Asia Economic Association of Korea (2017), and project professor at University of Tokyo (2017). He has published more than 70 academic papers, book chapters, and books. He has attended more than 200 domestic and international conferences. Also, he has contributed more than 200 columns to domestic and international newspapers. His area of interests lies in international economics, transition economics, and economics of development (especially East Asia and Korea). In 2011, he was awarded the Market Economy Award: Media Contribution by the Federation of Korean Industries.
Field of Specialization
1. Economic Development (Special Interest in East Asian Countries including Korea)
2. Transition Economies & North Korean Economy
3. International Trade
Doctoral Studies
1. Ph. D., Economics, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL.
2. Dissertation: International Trade with Two-Dimensional Product Differentiation in a Growing Economy
3. Advisory Committee: Professor Michael Marrese (Chairman), Professor Nancy Stokey, Professor Kiminori Matsuyama
4. Date of Completion: August 12, 1991
Pre-Doctoral Studies
B.A., Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, Business Administration, 1987
Courses and Current Research Areas
Courses (Undergraduate & Graduate School)
Research Areas
Selected Publications
1. Lee, Doowon and Jason Z. Yin, editor. Comparison of Korean and Chinese Economic Development: Forecasting Korean-Chinese Bilateral Economic Relation (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, September 1999).
2. Lee, Doowon, editor. The System Transformation of the Transition Economies: Europe, Asia and North Korea (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, July 1997).
3. Lee, Doowon, Shunfeng Song, and Hyung-Do Ahn, editor. Globalization and Regionalism of the Northeast Asian Economies (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 2005).
4. Lee, Doowon, Live Economics with Solving by Keywords (Seoul: Hunet, July 2008).
5. Lee, Doowon, Jin Park, Ki Young Park, Yun Jeong Choi, and Ji Young Park, DEEP (Development Experience Exchange Partnership) for the Vision of Vietnam, Vol. 3. Establishment and Improvement of Market Economy System for State Capacity and Sustainable Development in Vietnam (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 2019)
6. Lee, Doowon and Jiman Lee, editor, Classical Books on Economics and Business Recommended by Emeritus Professors of Yonsei University (in Korean) (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 2023)
1. "Bias in Measuring the Rate of Inflation by the Laspeyres Price Index," Tong-Hun Lee (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) and Doowon Lee in The Collective Papers of Tong Hun Lee (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 1993).
2. "Chapter 14. North Korean Economic Reform: Past Efforts and Future Prospects, " Reforming Asian Socialism: The Growth of Market Institutions (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1996).
3. "Chapter 6. Lessons of Transition Economies' Reform for North Korea," The System Transformation of the Transition Economies: Europe, Asia and North Korea (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, July 1997).
4. "Chapter 4 of Part Ⅳ. The North Korean Economy (in Korean)" The Comparative Economic Systems, a textbook published by The Korean Comparative Economy Association (August 1997).
5. "Democratic People's Republic of Korea: Structure of the Welfare System and Expected Impact of Marketization," Poverty, Income Distribution and Well-being in Asia during the Transition, edited by Aiguo Lu and Manuel F. Montes (Palgrave Macmillan in Association with UN University/WIDER, December 2002)
6. "Managing Gradual Integration," MANAGING CHANGE ON THE KOREAN PENINSULA (Seoul: Seoul Press, 1998).
7. "Chapter 2. Economic Developments of Korea and China: Similarities and Differences," Comparison of Korean and Chinese Economic Development: Forecasting Korean-Chinese Bilateral Economic Relation (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, September 1999).
8. "South Korea's Financial Crisis and Economic Restructuring," Korea Briefing 1997-1999: Challenges and Change at the turn of the Century, edited by Kongdan Oh, published in cooperation with the Asia Society (New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc. 2000).
9. “Chapter 26. Understanding the North Korea Economy (in Korean)”, The Korean Economy Textbook (Seoul: Seakyoungsa, October 2001).
10. “Chapter 9. The Evaluation and Prospect of the 10 years of Economic Relationship between the North Korea and the Southeast Asia (in Korean),” The Evaluation and Problems of North Korean Foreign Economic Policy (KIEP, 2001).
11. “The Economic Outlook for Reconciliation and Reunification”, Korea Briefing 2000-2001: First Steps Toward Reconciliation and Reunification, edited by Kongdan Oh and Ralph C. Hassig, published in cooperation with the Asia Society (New York: M.E. Sharpe, Inc. 2002).
12. “Part 3. Privatization of Assets (in Korean),” The Legal System and the Market Reform of Vietnam: A Study on Building Soft Infrastructure of a Transition Economy (The Institute of East and West Studies, Yonsei University, 2002)
13. “Explosion of Trade Disputes?”, co-written with Jason Z. Yin, The Globalization of the Chinese Economy, edited by James G. Wen, Shang-Jin Wei, and Huizhong Zhou (London: Edward Elgar Publishing, 2002).
14. "The Impact of Emerging China on the Korean Economy: a Korean Perspective", co-written with Young-Rok Cheong, Globalization and Regionalism of the Northeast Asian Economies, edited by Doowon Lee, Shunfeng Song, and Hyung-Do Ahn (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, November 2005).
15. “The Role of Foreign Capital in The South Korean Financial Crisis and Recovery”, After Crisis: Adjustment, Recovery and Fragility in East Asia, edited by Jayati Ghosh & C.P. Chandrasekhar (New Delhi: Tulika Books 2009) .
16. "Estimating the Potential size of Inter-Korean Economic Cooperation", Joint U.S. -Korea Academic Studies, Vol. 21, pp. 149-163 (Washington DC: Korea Economic Institute, Jan. 2011).
17. “Studies on Seeking Harmony and Balance between Conflicting Values”, National Research Council for Economics, Humanities and Social Sciences Joint Research Book 12-01-08, Korea Economy Association, May 2012.
18. “Official Development Assistance of Korea: History and Policy”, 『Consilience Forum-Finding the paradigm of transition』, The book of The Institute of East and West Studies, Publisher: Korean Studies Information , Feb 2013.
19.“The Green Growth Strategy of Korea”, Economic and Political Cooperation between Asia and Europe in the Age of Globalisation, edited by Harald Bergbauer and Young-Ryeol Park (Germany: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft 2013)
20. “Chapter 1. Developmental Gap between Vietnam and Korea”, Establishment and Improvement of Market Economy System (EIMES) for State Capacity and Sustainable Development in Vietnam, written by Doowon Lee, Jin Park, Ki Young Park, Yun Jeong Choi, Ji Young Park, Yonsei University Press, 2019.
21. “Chapter 1. Introduction”, Lee, Doowon and Jiman Lee, editor, Classical Books on Economics and Business Recommended by Emeritus Professors of Yonsei University (in Korean) (Seoul: Yonsei University Press, 2023)
1. "Human Capital and Economic Growth: Tests Based on the International Evaluation of Educational Achievement," co-authored with Tong-Hun Lee (University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee), Economics Letters, 47, pp. 219-225, 1995 (SSCI).
2. “Arbitration of Conflicts and Disputes in International Trade and China’s Countermeasures (in Chinese)”, co-authored with Jason Z. Yin, Social Science Research, No.2, Sichuan Academy of Social Science, China pp 33-39 (2001)
3. Doowon Lee, Hyeon-Seung Huh, "Economic Impact of Korea’s Outward FDIs into Developed and Developing Economies across Industries", Journal of Korea Trade, Vol. 13, No. 2, May, 2009 (SSCI).
4. “Determinants of the Chinese TFP: National and Regional Level", Journal of International Finance and Economics, Vol. 9, No. 3, pp: 103-113 (2009).
1. "Korea's Development Strategy in A Changing International Environment: Three Lows, Past and Present," Korea Observer: A Quarterly Journal, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 415-435, Winter 1992.
2. "Assessing North Korean Economic Reform: Historical Trajectory, Opportunities and Constraints," Pacific Focus, Vol. ⅧI, No. 2, pp. 5-29, Fall 1993.
3. "Inter-Korean Economic Relation: Rivaled Past, Unbalanced Present, and Integrated Future," Yonsei Economics Studies, Vol. II, No.1, pp. 131-160, Spring 1995.
4. "The North Korean Economy after Kim Il-Sung (in Korean)," The Social Science Studies, No. 5, The Institute for Social Sciences, Han Nam University.
5. "A Comparison of Industrial and Trade Structures of Korea, Japan, and the U.S.: How and Why are They Different?" co-authored with Taegi Kim (Chonnam University, Korea), The Korean Economic Review, Vol 12, No. 1, pp. 1135-1153, 1996.
6. "Prospects for Economic Reform in North Korea (in Korean)", Journal of Korean Reunification, Vol. 10, pp. 113-130, 1996 published by Institute of Korean Reunification Studies, KunKuk University.
7. "The Future Phase of the North Korean Regime (in Korean)", The Journal of Social Science, Vol. 13. No. 1, pp. 67-84, Institute of Social Science, Myungji University, Seoul, Korea (1997).
8. "Comparison of FDI into China between Korean Firms and Ethnic Chinese Firms" co-authored with Youngrok Cheong, Global Economic Review, Vol. 28, No. 1, pp. 28-53, 1999.
9. "Flying Geese in Asia: Comparative Study of Asian Development Models", Yonsei Economic Studies, Vol. 6, No. 2, The Economic Institute, Yonsei University, Autumn, pp. 259-275, 1999.
10. "Determinants for the Pattern and Growth of Transition Economies' Reform (in Korean)", Journal of Korean Economic Development, Vol. 5, No. 2, Korea Development Economics Association, pp. 189-212, 1999. 12.
11. "Causes of Trade Conflict: Korean Case vis-a-vis the Global Trend," Journal of International Trade and Industry Studies, Vol. 5, No. 1, The Korean Association of Trade and Industry Studies, pp. 155-182, 2000. 6.
12. "Privatization of Vietnam's Economy (in Korean)", The Southeast Asian Review, Vol. 10, The Korean Association of Southeast Asian Studies, pp. 29-65, 2000. 8.
13. “The Economic Reform and Its Aftermath of South Korea”, Global Economic Review, Vol. 30, No.4, the Institute of East and West Studies Yonsei University, pp. 23-50, 2001.11.
14. Lee, Doowon and Sang Jin Han, "Estimating the Minimum Size of the North Korean Shadow Economy," Yonsei Economic Studies Vol. 10, No.1, pp. 9-35, (2003 Spring).
15. "Economic Development of Korea and China: Focusing on Role of FDI," Journal of Economic Research, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 71-102 (May 2003).
16. "Potential Effect of Korea’s FTA with Its Trading Partners: Estimation by Augmented Gravity Models with Panel Data", The Korean Economic Review, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp. 277-307 (Winter 2005).
17. Lee, Doowon and Wanjoong Kim, “Estimation of Income and Export Structure Gaps and Comparative Analysis of Industrial Competitiveness of Korea and China (in Korean)”, Journal of Korean Economic Development, Vol. 11, No. 2, pp. 193-217 (Winter 2005).
18. “The Economic Effect of the Sino-Korea Economic Exchange on Korean Chinese (in Korean)”, The Journal of Northeast Asian Economic Studies, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp. 31-59 (April 2006).
19. “The Korean Economy in Transition: In Search for a New Model", Global Economic Review, Vol. 35, No. 2, pp. 207-230 (June 2006).
20. Lee, Doowon, Sunku Hahn, Hyeon-Seung Huh, “Effect of Trade Liberalization in the Korean Walnut Market”, The Korean Journal of Economics, Vol. 13, No.1, pp. 119-139 (July 2006).
21. Lee, Doowon, Hyeon-Seung Huh, and Seonghoon Cho, “Causal Relation between Sino-Korea FDI and Export”, The Journal of the Korean Economy, Vol. 8, No. 2 (Fall 2007), pp. 1-19.
22. Huh, Hyeon-Seung and Doowon Lee, "Long-run determinants of the real exchange rate and trade balance in Japan", International Area Studies Review, Vol. 11, No. 3 (Dec. 2007), pp. 13-34.
23. “Prospect of Job Creation under ‘Jobless Growth’ (in Korean)”,Knowledge Research,Vol. 6, No. 1 (June 2008), pp. 3-25.
24. Lee, Doowon and Illjoo Lee, “An Analysis of Korea Firms’ FDI performance; in Southeast Asia (in Korean)”, The Southeast Asian Review, Vol. 19, No. 1, The Korean Association of Southeast Asian Studies, pp. 1-27 (Feb. 2009).
25. Lee, Doowon and Song Lim, “Determinants of FDI Location in China using the Conditional Logit Model: How to Resolve Regional Economic Disparity in China (in Korean)”, Journal of Korean Economic Development, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp.325-359 (Winter 2009).
26. Lee, Doowon and Gyuhyun Kim, “Analyzing the Effects of Korea’s Grant Aid to Africa: Focusing on HDI)”, International Area Studies Review, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 161-184 (Dec. 2010).
27. Lee, Doowon and Hyeong-seung Huh, “FDI of EU and USA and Employment Effects in Korea", The Korean Journal of Economics, Vol. 18, No. 1, pp 179-199 (Spring 2011).
28. Lee, Doowon and Xianhua Jin and Donghee Kim, “Estimating the Development Gap between China and Korea”, The Journal of Northeast Asian Economic Studies, Vol. 23, No. 3, pp.61-93 (September 2011).
29. Lee, Doowon and Sohee Yu, “Possibility of Transferring the Korean Development Model to Developing Countries: Focusing on Sub-Saharan African Countries”, East and West Studies, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 37 (December 2011)
30. Lee, Doowon, Donghee Kim and Seokwon Park, “Determinants of Korea’s Trade before and after the 2008 Financial Crisis Activating Augmented Gravity Model”, Area Studies Review, Vol. 16, No.1, (March 2012)
31. Lee, Doowon, Ilgyu Han, “Can China Avoid the Middle-Income Trap?”, The Journal of Northeast Asian Economic Studies, Vol.26, No.2, pp.208-244 (June 2014)
32. Kim, Donghun, Doowon Lee, and Byunghan Ko, “The Ripple Effects of Deregulation on Employment, Production, and Exports: The Case of Korean Motorcycle Industry”, The Korean Journal of Economics, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp.247-273 (December 2014).
33. Lee, Doowon and Heejin Kim, “Quality-Adjusted Human Capital and Its Relationship with Economic Growth”, Journal of Korean Economic Development, Vol. 21, No. 1, pp. 111-128 (March 2015).
34. Lee, Doowon and Song Lim, “Spillover Effect of Foreign Direct Investment and Regional Productivity Disparity in China”, Northeast Asian Economic Studies, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp.207-240 (June 2016).
35. Park, Jiyoung and Doowon Lee, “Research for the factors of economic development ASEAN countries and Korea with growth regression model”, East and West Studies, Vol. 28, No. 2, pp. 59-92 (June 2016)
36. Lim, Song and Doowon Lee, “Korean FDI and Export Upgrading in Southeast Asia”, The Korean Association of Southeast Asian Studies, Vol. 26, No. 4, pp.179-216 (November 2016)
1. Marcus Noland’s Avoiding the Apocalypse, The Future of the Two Koreas (Washington D.C.: Institute for International Economics, 2000) in Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. 39, No. 3, September 2001.
2. Wei, Shang-Jin, Guanzhong James Wen, Huizhong Zhou edited, The Globalization of the Chinese Economy (Edward Elgar Publishing Inc. 2002), China Specialist Forum Home Page (, May, 2003.
More Information
1. Carolyn Pexter Award Divisional Nominee, Academy of Management, “Does WTO Matter: An Analysis of WTO Trade Dispute Settlement", Washington D.C., U.S.A., August 2001.
2. Haynes Prize for Best Paper Finalist, Academy of International Business, "WTO Trade Disputes and Its Future Development: An Empirical Analysis", Sydney, Australia, November 2001.
3. Market Economy Award: Grand Prize in Media Contribution, Federation of Korean Industry, 2011.12.
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