Professor of Political Science and International Studies
Taehee Whang is a Professor of Political Science and International Studies, Yonsei University. After receiving the PhD from the University of Rochester in 2007, he worked at Texas A&M University as an Assistant Professor for five years. He joined Korea University in 2012 and moved to Yonsei University in 2015. His research interest includes international relations, economic sanctions and aid, and politics and economy of North Korea. His work appears in American Journal of Political Science, British Journal of Political Science, European Journal of International Relations, International Organization, International Studies Quarterly, Political Analysis, Journal of Peace Research, and Journal of Theoretical Politics.
Ph.D., Political Science, University of Rochester, 2007
M.A., Political Science, University of Rochester, 2004
M.A., Politics, New York University, 2001
B.A., in Political Science and Diplomacy, Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea, 1999
Courses and Current Research Areas
Fields of Interest
International Relations: international economic sanctions, international development cooperation, domestic politics and international conflict, human rights
Political Methodology and Formal Theory
Comparative Politics: comparative political economy, politics of East Asia
Introduction to International Relations (U)
Applied Data Analysis (U)
Rational Choice and Security (U)
Bargaining Approach to International Relations (U)
International Organizations (U, G)
Economic Statecraft: Economic Sanctions and Aid (U, G)
Quantitative Research Methods (G)
Case Studies of International Crisis (G)
Selected Publications
Kang, Shinjae, Sangmin Lee, and Taehee Whang. Forthcoming. “Economic sanctions, repression capacity, and human rights” Journal of Human Rights
Yu Chamseul, Taehee Whang, and Sangmin Lee. Forthcoming. “When Does Audience Matter? Challengers’ Stability and Audience Costs” Foreign Policy Analysis
McLean, Elena, Jaeyoung Hur, Taehee Whang. 2021. “Renewable Energy Policies and Household Solid Fuel Dependence” Global Environmental Change 71:102408
McLean, Elena and Taehee Whang. 2021. “Economic Sanctions and Government Spending Adjustments: The Case of Disaster Preparedness” British Journal of Political Science 51(1):394-411.
McLean, Elena and Taehee Whang. 2020. “Do sanctions spell disaster? Economic sanctions, political institutions, and technological safety” European Journal of International Relations 26(3):767-792
Kim, Youngwan and Taehee Whang. 2018. “Non-governmental Organizations and Economic Sanctions” International Political Science Review 39(2):209–224
Whang, Taehee, Michael Lammbrau, and Hyungmin Joo. 2017. “Talking to Whom? Changing Audiences of North Korean Nuclear Tests: Supervised Machine-Learning Analysis of the KCNA” Social Science Quarterly 98(3):976-992
Huang, Min-Hua, Taehee Whang, and Lei Xuchuan. 2017. “The Internet, Social Capital, and Civic Engagement in Asia” Social Indicators Research 132(2):559-578
Whang, Taehee and Hannah June Kim. 2015. “International Signaling and Economic Sanctions” International Interactions 41(3):427-452
Kurizaki, Shuhei and Taehee Whang. 2015. “Detecting Audience Costs in International Disputes” International Organization 69(4): 949-980
McLean, Elena and Taehee Whang. 2014. “Designing Foreign Policy: Voters, Special Interest Groups, and Sanction Policies” Journal of Peace Research 51(5):589–602
Bas, Muhammet, Curtis Signorino, and Taehee Whang. 2014. “Knowing One’s Future Preferences: A Correlated Agent Model with Bayesian Updating” Journal of Theoretical Politics 26(1):3–34
Whang, Taehee, Elena McLean, and Doug Kuberski. 2013. “Information, Coercion, and the Success of Sanction Threats” American Journal of Political Science 57(1):65–81
Whang, Taehee. 2011. “Playing to the Home Crowd? Symbolic Use of Economic Sanctions in the United States” International Studies Quarterly 55(3):787–801
Chung, Jin Young and Taehee Whang. 2011. “Impact of Low Cost Carriers on the Island Tourism and Economies” Journal of Transport Geography 19(6):1335–1340
Whang, Taehee. 2010. “Empirical Implications of Signaling Models: Estimation of Belief Updating in International Crisis Bargaining” Political Analysis 18(3):381–402
McLean, Elena and Taehee Whang. 2010. “Friends or Foes? Major Trading Partners and the Success of Economic Sanctions” International Studies Quarterly 54(2):427–447
Whang, Taehee. 2010. “Structural Estimation of Economic Sanctions: From Initiation to Outcomes” Journal of Peace Research 47(5):561–573
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