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2019 Spring Semester Tutoring Program Participant Recruitment
Feb 22, 2019  |  Read: 1,374

[2019 Spring Semester Tutoring Program Participant Recruitment]

? Eligibility (*Graduate students are not eligible to apply)

- Tutor: Undergraduate students who have received A- or higher on a particular course (including undergraduate students on leave)

- Tutee: All undergraduate students who need help in studying (including undergraduate students on leave)

Each tutor and tutee may participate in 2 teams.

If a tutor wants to lead 2 teams for the same course, total number of tutees must be 6 or more.

? Tutoring Categories

- Eagle Tutoring: All courses offered by the university; 1 tutor assigned to 2-5 tutees

- Global Tutoring: Supporting international students/Korean students from abroad to better grasp the course materials of a particular course

- Major Unit Tutoring: Students of the same major helping each other to learn the materials for major courses

- Online Tutoring (TCC Tutoring): Free access to all tutoring videos available via YSCEC

? Application Period

- Monday, February 11th, 2019 ~ Sunday, March 10th, 2019

? Application Process (Tutor, Tutee)

- Online Application: Go to OSE center homepage (http://ose.yonsei.ac.kr) ? “Faculty Learning Support” (교수학습지원) ? “Tutoring Program” (튜터링 프로그램) ? “Apply” (신청하기)

? Tutoring Process

- Tutoring will proceed in a team unit comprising of a tutor and a tutee per course.

- Minimum tutoring hours per semester: 15 hours or more (1 hour per week on average)

- Required Activities: Participation in orientation, interim evaluation, final presentation and completion of an online activity log.

? Tutoring Activity Benefits

- Tutor: Tutor Scholarship (Around 200,000 KRW), Volunteer Service Certificate (Can be used as official proof when applying to study aborad or writing resumes for job application)

- Tutee: Tutoring Activity Cofirmation Form (Only when appropriate conditions are met)

Starting from Spring semester of 2018, Volunteer Service credit (1 Credit) is not given to uphold the cause of volunteer service. 

? Note

- You may not withdraw once you are registered for the tutoring program. Please give careful consideration before applying.

- If you withdraw after orientation, please visit the center and hand in an "Explanatory Statement" for withdrawal.

Inquiries: Open Smart Education Center (Tel.: 02-2123-6999, E-mail: ctlearn@yonsei.ac.kr)

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