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Yonsei Alumni Scholarship Foundation 19th Annual Scholarship Application Announcement
Sep 26, 2019  |  Read: 4,359

Yonsei Alumni Scholarship Foundation
19th Annual Scholarship Application Announcement

Yonsei Alumni Scholarship Foundation was established in 2001 with the support of 400,000 Yonsei alumni to assist Yonsei students with tuition and school expenses.  Yonsei Alumni Scholarship Association is now looking for 2020 recipients.  The criteria are as follows:

1. Application Qualification: Yonsei Students currently registered who have good grades and are exemplary to fellow students who also meet these qualifications:
① The student must have completed at least three semesters at Yonsei University and maintains 3.75(of 4.3) GPA and is on need of financial assistance (priorities will be given to fundamental studies majors)
② Students who have passed First Part of government, legal, and financial services exams such as Bar Exam, and Exams of: Civil Administration/Civil Servant(Administrative and Technology), Diplomatic Services, and Korea CPA Exam and Patent Attorney Exam and maintains 3.0 (of 4.3) GPA, who need financial assistance.

 2. Scholarship Assistance will be granted to: 00 number of students

① Application period: ~ October 31th(Thu) 3:00 PM
② Required Documents:
     - Application Form (attched)
     - School Transcript
     - One Copy of Resident Registration Document (주민등록등본)
     - Copies of both parents’ Income Validation Confirmation Document(근로소득원천징수영수증/또는 소득금액증명원)  
     - Copies of both parents’ Personal Asset Property Tax Confirmation/Capital Levy Confirmation  Documents(재산세과세증명서)
     - Other Supporting documents such as qualification confirmation, tests, licenses, etc.(if applicable)

    All forms must be originals. No copies will be accepted.

③ Scholarship Amount: Entire Tuition and School Expense (500,000 won) every month (except January and August) until graduation. There will be evaluation every semester to determine if the student should continue receiving the scholarship.

3. Please apply with necessary documents at the Administration Offices of each Division.

    - UD : Dawoo Hall Annex 315
    - HASS: Veritas Hall B 437
    - ISE: : Veritas Hall B 438

4. For further details and information, please visit:

① Yonsei University Alumni Office (Alumni Building 4th floor/ Tel: 02-365-0631~4)
        Contact Officer Tae Hyup Yu(유태협):  noni@yonsei.ac.kr
② Yonsei University Student Welfare Office: Scholarship and Employment Team (Student Union building 2nd Floor / Tel: 02-2123-2128)

5. Announcements for Decisions on Final Recipients: Individual notifications in December and announcements in Alumni News and Website.

* The applicants will be first evaluated by each college department offices and then the Scholarship Association will evaluate for final recipients.


 Yonsei Alumni Scholarship Foundation
Chairman of the Board
Park, Sam Goo

Address and Copyright

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