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[Fall 2023] Enrollment for UIC-First courses(List updated including Cap. info)
Jul 27, 2023  |  Read: 4,566

[Fall 2023] Enrollment for UIC-First courses

The submission deadline is on Monday, August 7 at 23:59 PM (KST), and the system will be closed exactly ON TIME. Considering equal opportunity with other students, NO LATE SUBMISSION is accepted. Please make sure that any delayed submission due to technical problems cannot be taken into consideration.

[Important] In case the number of applications for certain courses exceeds the capacity of the assigned classrooms, we will try to contact and ask the professors teaching the courses to increase slots. If they are not willing, priority will be given based on the number of completed semesters and academic years.


1. Sophomores, juniors, and seniors at ECON, PSIR, and QRM may apply for UIC-First courses during the application period. Students must submit the Google survey from 10:00 AM to 23:59 PM on Monday, August 7, 2023 (KST).

=> Click here to participate in the survey being opened at 10 AM on Aug 7

2. If applied correctly, UIC-First courses will be automatically enrolled. Students can check their enrolled first courses on the first day of the regular course registration period.

3. Four times the credits of the UIC-First courses will be automatically deducted from the total mileage. Hence, students who took advantage of this policy will have reduced mileage during the regular course registration period.

4. Only those, who have declared ECON, PSIR, or QRM as their 1st/2nd major or who are expected to be assigned in the upcoming semester, are eligible to apply for UIC-First courses during the above period.

5. Students are NOT allowed to apply for non-UIC first courses during the above period.

6. Course information such as instructor, time, location, etc. is subject to change at any time, please refer to the course catalog on the portal for the final updates.

7. If you are retaking the course, 'the number of retake course option(재수강횟수)' will be automatically used. If you got F or NP before, and do not want to use 'the number of retake course option', you can change it on the portal during the regular registration period by yourself.

8. Please make sure that the students on a leave of absence should apply for return before 12 pm (noon), Friday, Aug. 4, otherwise their application result will be canceled without any notification.

9. [Important] QRM students admitted in 2021 or earlier can also apply for the UIC ECON first courses only offered in the UD as Non-QRM. This is not applicable to those admitted in 2022 and thereafter.

UD: 02-2123-3925 / HASS: 032-749-3760

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