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2012-1st Semester Leave of Absence and Returning Students Guidelines
Jan 4, 2012  |  Read: 7,154
 2012-1st Semester Leave of Absence and


Returning Students Guidelines


The guidelines for Leave of Absence or Returning students after semester(s) of Leave of Absence are as follows:


<General Leave of Absence>


1. Application Period: 2012. 2. 6(Mon) 10:00 ~ 2012. 3. 15(Thurs) 17:00

* During the above period the student may apply for Leave of Absence without paying the tuition.  However, if the student would like to apply for Leave of Absence between 3.16~5.15, the student MUST FIRST PAY THE ENTIRE TUTION AND THEN apply for the Leave of Absence after which the tuition will be REFUNDED during refund period.


2. Apply at http://portal.yonsei.ac.kràAcademic Information SystemàAcademic Management System (Degree Programs)àLeave/Return


3. Refund Policies:

General Leave of Absence Application Deadlines

Tuition Refund


2012. 2. 6(Mon) ~ 3.15(Thurs)

Entire Tuition Refund

Both unregistered and registered students can apply for Leave of Absence

3. 16(Fri) ~ 4. 2 (Mon)

5/6 Refund


4. 3 (Tue) ~ 4. 30 (Mon)

2/3 Refund


5. 1 (Tues) ~ 5. 15(Tues)

1/2 Refund

5. 15 (Tues) 17:00

General Leave of Absence Application Deadline

* Expected refund date: about 10 days after the Leave of Absence application 
* Refund account: Bank account that is recorded in the Academic Information System page in the Yonsei Portal (If the applicant has paid for the tuition with a student loan, refund will be given to the respective financial institution to pay for the loan.)   


4. Please pay attention to following details:

     The student cannot exceed the allowed numbers(semesters) of the Leave of Absence. If the student fails to comply he/she will be removed from the school register.

     To check semester counts of the Leave of Absence: go to: 

http://portal.yonsel.ac.kr--> [Academic Information] -> [Personal Data Information search]

     The student must return his/her grants to process the Leave. Please contact the Office of Scholarship Affairs (02-2123-2126~7)

     For General Leave of Absence, the student needs his/her guardian/parents’ permissions.

     The student must return all library books and settle fees such as late fees.

     The student cannot take Leave of Absence on his/her final semester.  The student must attend the final semester in order to graduate.

     The student may cancel General Leave Of Absence within a week of application.  However, starting from the Course Add/Drop period, it is not possible to cancel. If a student applies for and cancels General Leave of Absence while attending school within a semester, the student will be considered to be in attendance.

     If the student had applied for Graduation and then applied for Leave of Absence and then wishes to cancel General Leave of Absence, please check and confirm the status of graduation application on the Yonsei Portal.

     If the student entered military service before 2012. 5. 15, his application for the respective semester will not be counted toward the General Leave of Absence semester limit.

     If the student’s address changes during the procedure, the student MUST update his/her most current address on the portal homepage’s Academics—Information—Information Update tab.

     New Entering Students, new transfer students, students in their final (graduating) academic semesters, multiple major students, and re-entering students CANNOT take their first semester off.  

    From 2008-2nd Semester, when the student applies for a General Leave of Absence, the semester(s) of Leave of Absence will be continued until the student applies and registers for Return.  When the student uses up his/her possible/allotted General Leave of Absence semester(s), he/she must apply and register as Returning student or he/she will be removed from the register.


5. University Health Services for Students on Leave of Absence

- For further details please refer to the website: http://web.yonsei.ac.kr/health.  


<Returning Students>


1. Application for Returning Students


Returning Student Registration Period

Course Register Period

Tuition Payment Period


2. 6(Mon) 10:00 ~ 2.10 (Fri) 17:00

2.13(Mon) ~ 2.17(Fri)

2.22(Wed) ~ 2.29(Wed)


2.11(Sat) 00:00 ~ 2.22 (Wed) 17:00


2.22(Wed) ~ 2.29(Wed)


2.23(Thu) 00:00 ~ 3.7(Wed) 17:00


3.12(Mon) ~ 3.15(Thu)

* Please honor the deadlines

* Returning Date after Military Service is according to the admission by the administrative person in charge (Admission is possible until 5PM of the last day of the Returning Student registration)

* 2, 3nd period returning students may have limitations on registering for courses.

2nd period returning students can print out tuition invoice/notice starting one hour after the approval for their return.

3rd period returning students must pay tuition during Additional Registration Period.

 * 2nd Returning Students who need assistance of Government Sponsored Student Loan must apply for student loan during Additional Registration Period (2012.3.12~3.15).(If the student pays tuition before applying for the loan, the student may not be qualified for the loan.)

* Please refer to http://uic.yonsei.ac.kr/bbs/view.asp?bos_no=1&bbs_no=2996&corner=&returnUrl=list.asp%3Fbos_no%3D1%26corner%3D%26s_bulu%3D%26s_key%3D%26gu%3D%26cat_no%3D%26block%3D0%26GotoPage%3D1for details regarding course registration.


2. Application for Return

A. Returning after General Leave of Absence:

Apply at the portal (http://portal.yonsei.ac.kr)àAcademic Information SystemàAcademic Management System (Degree Programs)àLeave/Return

B. Returning after Military Leave of Absence:

 Apply at the portal(http://portal.yonsei.ac.kr) and submit evidence documents/supporting documents to General Services Center on the SAME day of the application.

(FAX possible: 02-2123-8701, 8678/ please attach the major and student ID number, and contact information on the fax)

     Documents for submission: ONE of the documents below

- Copy (front and back) of Discharge from Military Service (전역증): Personal information and military service information must be included.

- Digital Document of Discharge from Military Service (전자전역증) go to http://www.mma.go.kr -> [Reserve] -> [Discharge Date/Military ID Inquiry] -> Print out Supporting Document/Form(Date of Military Service Entrance, Date of Discharge, Birth Date, Name must be included) or 병무청사이트(http://www.mma.go.kr [동원·예비군 [전역일자/군번 실시간조회 증명서 출력

- Resident Registration Abstract (주민등록초본) or Military Services Evidence Document (병적증명서) (Must include Entrance and Discharge Date)

- Discharge Expectation Date Document (전역예정증명서)

- Military Services Confirmation document from the Office of Military Manpower Administration (병무청 발행용 복무확인서)

(Used when a student served as Public Service Officer or Industrial Employee instead of military service and will be discharge or have already been discharged but the discharge date is not indicated on the Resident Registration Abstract (주민등록초본) or Military Services Evidence Document (병적증명서))

C. Returning students after Military Leave of Absence (Returning after Semester start date):

 If the student is scheduled for discharge from the military service in March and wishes to participate in the semester by using his vacation dates, he can participate from the Semester start date only after his Squad Commander’s consent. 

 Apply at the portal(http://portal.yonsei.ac.kràAcademic Information SystemàAcademic Management System (Degree Programs)àLeave/Return) and submit evidence documents/supporting documents to General Services Center.

(FAX possible: 02-2123-8701, 8678/ please attach the major and student ID number, and contact information on the fax)

 Documents for submission: Discharge Expectation Date Document (전역예정증명서) AND Squad Commander’s consent form (소속 부대장의 취학승인서).

(Download forms from: Yonsei website homepage -> Yonsei homepage -> Information Service -> I-Civil Affairs Administration -> Various Forms -> Form number 25) (양식 다운로드학교 홈페이지  정보서비스  I민원 →각종 신청서 양식모음  25 서류)


3. Please pay attention to:

 Military Leave of Absence covers two semesters including the date of Discharge.

(For Example: 2012. Feb. discharge - the student could return on 2012 Feb. or 2012 Aug. and if he does not wish to return by 2012 Aug., the student must apply for a general leave of absence.)

 Students applying for Returning Students after Military Service entrance must first submit supporting documents and then go to the portal website: go to  [Leave of Absence or Return] menu tab -> check for confirmation at [Returning] and then register during the designated Returning Student registration period.

 Military service discharge returning students do not have to report to Armed Reserve Services on campus. (Automatically Registered)


<General Information Service Center>

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