Dear Students,
Please find the announcement about Global Leadership and Cooperation Scholarship(GLC Scholarship), a campus work-study scholarship for international students at UIC.
If you are interested, don't miss the opportunity to apply!
[Global Leadership and Cooperation Scholarship]
1. Type of the Scholarship: Work-study Scholarship
2. Eligibility (either A or B or C)
* This is Scholarship for International Students only.
* Work-study scholarship can be received regardless of the amount of scholarship you received for the current semester.
A. Full-time students during the 2022 Spring semester who applied for the Need-based Scholarship (자유장학금2022 Spring)
* It doesn’t matter if you received it or not if you applied for the Need-based Scholarship (자유장학금).
B. Full-time students during the 2022 Spring with full tuition우수외국인장학금 but need an additional work-study scholarship
C. Newly admitted students for 2022 Spring and need an additional work-study scholarship
3. Working Period: June. 22th –August. 31th (2022 Summer vacation)
4. Evaluation Criteria: Financial Need
5. Application Period: Tue, June. 7th –Sun., June. 12th 2022 at 11:59 pm KST
6. Amount: Minimum Wage by Year in Korea (As of 2022: 9,160 KRW per hour), up to 40 hours a week
* You can adjust the schedule with the office.
7. Number of Recipients: 10~ 12
8. Announcement of the Final Result (Expected): Mon., June 20th, by Email
9. Method of Submission: Via email (
10. Application Documents / Requirements:
*The following should be prepared in English.
** IF you send the documents via email, please put all documents in ONE pdf file.
[Eligibility A]
1) Scholarship Application Form: Attached
[Eligibility B and C]
1) Scholarship Application Form: Attached
2) Tax return statements from both you and your parent(s) or guardian(s) (if applicable)
3) A copy of a salary statement from both you and/or your guardian(s) for the last six or twelve months (if applicable)
4) Other income/asset information documents (if applicable)
5) Any other documents proving a need for financial aid.
* It is the student's responsibility to convince the school of true financial need. The more supporting documents you can submit the higher your chances of success will be. If possible, for example, you should submit copies of your banking and credit card statements for the past 6 months (12 months preferred), your housing lease agreement, statements of unemployment and bankruptcy by your guardian, and income tax and estate tax statements by yourself and/or guardian. All documents not in English or Korean must be translated into English or Korean.
Student Services
Underwood International College
Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea
T +82-2-2123-3922 E W
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