Dear 2022 UIC Freshman,
We, the UIC Congress, Staff Members, and Student Council sincerely congratulate your acceptance to Underwood International College, the best college in Yonsei University! With a great welcome to our community, we would like to inform non face to face UIC 2022 Freshman Orientation (OT) due to COVID-19.
Please check the details of virtual UIC 2022 Freshman Orientation (OT) schedule. All date and time are based on Korean Time zone. Contact info: UIC office (
Date and Time: From Feb. 16th (Wed.) 10 AM to Feb. 17th (Thu.)
Zoom Information: By Feb. 11, UIC will send zoom link information to your e-mail address. Please keep in mind that you are responsible for any disadvantages arising if you have incorrect email.
Participants: Spring 2022 UIC Freshmen
[Program Schedule]
Wed., Feb. 16th, 2022
[PART 1]
10:00 ~ 10:05 UIC Dean’s Welcome Remark
10:05 ~ 10:15 Introducing UIC: UIC Missions and Curriculum | Associate Dean of Academic Affairs
10:15 ~ 10:30 Welcome Remarks | Division Chairs
10:30~10:40 Welcome Remark |Residential Masters
10:40 ~ 10:45 UIC Writing Center | Director, UIC Writing Center
10:45~ 10:50 Academic Ethics and Integrity | CC Chair
10:50 ~ 11:00 UIC Alumni Messages from around the World | UIC Alumni
10:00 ~ 11:30 Course Enrollment Guideline | Academic Advisors by Division
11:30 ~ 12:00 Q&A | Academic Advisors
* Please note that academic advising for UIC students are provided by the UIC, not by the University College.
[PART 2]
14:00 ~ 16:00 Disability rights education, Gender sensitivity education, and Point games | UIC Student Council
Thu. Feb. 17th, 2022
10:00 ~ 16:00 Homeroom Individual Session | UIC Student Council
* Please note that academic advising for UIC students are provided by the UIC, not by the University College.
* There might be minor changes within the schedule.
We look forward meeting you all very soon!
- Underwood International College -
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