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[HASS Only] Declaring/Changing Major and Double Major
Dec 5, 2024  |  Read: 566

[Declaring / Changing the 1st Major and Double Major]

UIC Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (HASS) Division Students in their 2nd semester are required to declare a major according to the following guidelines. HASS Division students who have declared their first major may change it within HASS majors by the end of their 7th semester, but may only do this once. 


■  Application Period: December. 23(Mon), 9:00 ~ December.27(Fri), 17:00, 2024

       Major declaration will be reflected on Yonsei Portal as of the first day of the next semester.

      Even though students’ major does not show up on the Yonsei Portal before the above date, during the registration period,

      students’ mileage will be vetted according to the major they applied for.


■ UIC HASS Division Major Declaration

1. First Major

UIC HASS Division students can choose their 1st major among the following 8 majors.

① Asian Studies (AS)

② Culture & Design Management (CDM)

③ Information & Interaction Design (IID)

④ Creative Technology Management (CTM)

⑤ Justice and Civil Leadership (JCL)

⑥ Quantitative Risk Management (QRM)

⑦ Science, Technology, and Policy (STP)

⑧ Sustainable Development and Cooperation (SDC)

  * Students will be accepted to the major of their choice without any selection process.


2. Second Major (Optional)

UIC HASS Division students may apply for their 2nd major among the UIC HASS 8 majors as well as among any majors offered at Yonsei which has announced open spots on the portal. HASS students may also apply for their 2nd major among UIC Underwood Division (UD) and Integrated Science and Engineering Division (ISED).

If they apply for their 2nd major within UIC HASS, they will be accepted to the 2nd major of their choice without any selection process.

However, there is a selection process for UD and ISED majors, as well as majors offered outside of UIC, and students must submit a "Reason for Application & Desired Career" and a "Study Plan" through the Portal.


■ Applicable Students

1. First Major

• Declaring 1st Major: Students in their 2nd semester

• Changing 1st Major within HASS Division: Students must declare their 1st major at the end of their 2nd semester and may change it within HASS by the end of their 7th semester

*HASS students cannot change their first major to UD or ISED.


2. Second Major (Optional)

Declaring 2nd Major: Students (including those on a leave of absence) can apply for a double major after they complete the third semester up until the semester prior to the final semester (the previous semester of the graduating semester, 졸업직전학기).

Changing 2nd Major: Students who have already declared their 2nd major (including those on a leave of absence) can apply for a change of double major up until the semester prior to the final semester (the previous semester of the graduating semester, 졸업직전학기).

* In order to change 2nd major, students need to withdraw their current double major on the portal system ‘Application for cancellation of double major’ before the double major application period begins.


■ How to Declare Your Major

1. Go to the online Yonsei Portal Services at http://portal.yonsei.ac.kr/main/index.jsp

2. Click on "Academic Information System” and log in.

3. Choose the “Academic Affairs” menu from the top menu and then click on “UIC Major Declaration" from the Student column.

4. Select your 1st major and click the “Application” button


■ How to Apply for a 2nd Major within UIC (Optional)

1. Go to the online Yonsei Portal Services at http://portal.yonsei.ac.kr/main/index.jsp

2. Click on "Academic Information System” and log in.

3. Choose the “Academic Affairs” menu from the top menu.

     In order to declare/apply for a 2nd major within UIC, click on “UIC Double Major Declaration”

     A. To declare a 2nd major within HASS:

           1) Select your major and click the "Application" button.

           2) You will be accepted to the applied 2nd major within HASS Division and you can confirm by checking the Application statement.

     B. To apply for a 2nd major from UD and ISED:

           1) Select your desired major.

          2) Fill out and save the "Reason for Application & Desired Career" and "Study Plan."

          3) You can check your application statement on the page. Results will be announced in the beginning of next semester.


■ Guidelines

1. UIC HASS students must declare their 1st major at the end of their 2nd semester and may change it within HASS by the end of their 7th semester. Changing a major is allowed only once.

2. To declare a 2nd major within UIC HASS, students can do so after they complete the 3rd semester and may change it by the semester prior to the final semester(the previous semester of the graduating semester, 졸업직전학기).

3. To declare a 2nd major from UIC UD and ISED, students are allowed to apply after they complete the 3rd semester and may change it by the semester prior to the final semester(the previous semester of the graduating semester, 졸업직전학기). Students have to undergo a selection process to choose UD and ISED majors as a second major and each major department will select successful candidates among applicants.

4. Declaring majors/changing applications after the designated period is not permitted.

5. Students cannot declare or change his/her first major during a leave of absence.


* If you want to re-apply after canceling the current double major, you must cancel your approved double major through the portal system before the double major application period begins. (Double majors can be canceled until the semester before graduation). You cannot apply again for a canceled major.

* If you have been approved for a double major (second major), you can apply for a third major during the application period for graduation (or completion) without prior approval. However, if the student fails to fulfill the graduation requirement for a double major (second major), the third major is automatically canceled and graduation (or completion) is not possible.


Underwood International College


For CDM, IID, CTM students,

 Tel) 032-749-3761

E-mail) uic_hass@yonsei.ac.kr


For AS, JCL, QRM, STP, SDC students,

Tel) 032-749-3760

E-mail) uic_intl.cam@yonsei.ac.kr

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