UIC Writing Center
2025 WIC (Writing Intensive Clinic) TA recruitment
We are seeking students to work as TAs for the Writing Intensive Clinic (WIC)
WIC, held online this year, is a rigorous two-week program designed to prepare incoming freshmen for the intellectual demands and rigor of UIC’s curriculum. Combining intensive academic writing instruction with a preview of CC lectures, WIC (plus CC) aims to familiarize new students with the essential components of a liberal arts education.
WIC TAs will assist UIC writing faculty with lectures, discussions, workshops, and/or individual student consultations (TAs are not responsible for conducting lectures). The program will run online from January 13-24, 2025. While the program is held daily, from 10 am to 4 pm, TA schedules are individually coordinated with the faculty in charge. TAs will be awarded a compensation for their work.
Students interested are instructed to submit a letter of application and their current CV (with cumulative GPA noted) to Edward.choi@yonsei.ac.kr by January 3, 2025. Selected students will be contacted and asked to participate in an online interview, date to be determined.
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